Huluween at Home

Every October, Hulugans are dying from anticipation as they await the most frighteningly fun event of the year: Huluween.

Inside Hulu
Life at Hulu


This year, with Hulugans working remotely due to COVID-19, we had to conjure up our most creative ideas to keep the Huluween spirit alive from home. And although Huluween looked different this year, it was the first time in Hulu history that Hulugans across the country were able to come together as #OneTeam to celebrate a Huluween like never before.

With too many virtual thrills and chills to fit into just one day, we brewed up a week-long fright fest filled with spooky swag, entertainment, contests, and so much gore. Hulugans put their brains to the test with mind-boggling Halloween Trick-or-Trivia, learned how to draw our favorite family of aliens from Solar Opposites, and mixed their own boo-zy potions during our spooky mixology class. Each day of the week, we asked Hulugans to show us their brains and dead-uctive reasoning skills to solve our custom Huluween Brain Games and puzzles for a chance to win some scary good prizes.

The week of festivities concluded with our main event: the HULUWEEN LIVESCREAM. Hulugans across the company competed on one virtual stage to represent their regional office in the Best Costume, Best Pumpkin Carving, and Best Performance Contests. Hulugans dressed to the nines in their most spooktacular costumes, and they wowed us with their gutsiest pumpkin carvings. During our Best Performance contest, Hulugans turned into Zoombies, introduced us to the Real San Francisco Housewives of Quarantine, and escaped the horrors of cable TV. Working from home didn’t stop Hulugans from thinking big and embracing fun to create one-of-a-kind virtual performances, proving once and for all that teamwork makes the scream work.

The horrors of virtual Huluween extended to our viewers as well. We invited all Huluween fans to visit The Screamlands, Hulu’s first-ever online haunted immersive experience. Those who dared to enter traveled through five scream-inducing rooms like “Bad Hair Hellway” and “Huluween Hall” which included spooky surprises behind every turn.

Thank you to all the Hulugans and Hulu-ghouls for coming together as one team to carry on Hulu’s most hallowed tradition during this extraordinary time. This Huluween may have been the spookiest celebration to date, and the memories we created will be happily haunting us until next year.

